"I've often been wary of hope. Hope implies a great many things that may or may not exist on some future temporal horizon."

On 19 March 2020 Samantha Rose Hill was slated to give the annual Grimm Lecture, the premiere event of the Waterloo Centre for German Studies, a research ins...

June 28: The Thinking Ego and the Self: Kant, Reality and the Thinking Ego: the Cartesian Doubt and the Senses Communis, Science and Common Sense; Kant's Distinction Between Intellect and Reason; Truth and Meaning

June 7, 2019: Introduction, The World's Phenomenal Nature, (True) Being and (Mere) Appearance: the Two World Theory

A Hannah Arendt Center event. Co-sponsored by the Poetry Foundation and the Bard College Literature Program, Written Arts Program, and Africana Studies Program. Hannah Arendt has written that "the storehouse of memory is kept and watched over by the poets, whose business it is to find and make the words we live by."

Hannah Arendt always returned to poetry, and kept the language of German poems in her hinterkopf. For Arendt, poetry is the closest form we have to thought itself, bearing the burden of language and memory.

This is an introduction to "Thinking and Moral Considerations" from Responsibility and Judgment, a collection of Hannah Arendt's essays edited by Jerome Kohn. The introduction is presented by Assistant Director Samantha Hill for the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College hac.bard.edu/membership/vrg

A group discussion of "We Refugees," the 1943 essay which appears in the collection of Arendt essays titled, The Jewish Writings, featuring Hannah Arendt Center Assistant Director, Samantha Hill, and the members of the Hannah Arendt Center's Virtual Reading Group Friday, January 26th, 2018 via Bluejeans.com hac.bard.edu/membership/vrg

This is a discussion of "Letter to Robert M. Hutchins," "Challenges to Traditional Ethics: A Response to Michael Polanyi," and "Reflections on the 1960 National Conventions: Kennedy vs. Nixon" from Thinking Without a Banister, a new collection of Hannah Arendt's essays edited by Jerome Kohn.

This is a discussion of "Thinking and Moral Considerations" from Responsibility and Judgment, a collection of Hannah Arendt's essays edited by Jerome Kohn. hac.bard.edu/membership/vrg

This video is a conversation between Samantha Hill, Assistant Director of the Hannah Arendt Center, and members of the HAC Virtual reading group about, "All Over- How can one go on living?" from Arendt's "Rahel Varnhagen: Life of a Jewess."

This talk was a part of the Hannah Arendt Center's '"REAL TALK: Difficult Questions about Race, Sex and Religion" conference. Erica Hunt, Christopher Lebron and Deroy Murdock Moderator: Samantha Hill October 20th, 2016 - Bard College
September 6, 2019: The Pre-Philosophic Assumptions of Greek Philosophy, Plato's Answer and its Echoes

Uploaded by Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College on 2019-08-16.
July 12: Invisibility and Withdrawal, The Intramural Warfare Between Thought and Common Sense

June 21, The Life of the Mind: The Reversal of the Metaphysical Hierarchy: the Value of the Surface, Body and Soul; Soul and Mind, Appearance and Semblance

"Between Pariah and Parvenu"

Reading Rahel Varnhagen: The Life of a Jewess Woman, A Discussion of Flight Abroad and Magic, Beauty, Folly

The Podcast for Social Research, Episode 16: What Rough Beast? Contending with Trumpism
Technical Details: Recorded at The Bell House in Brooklyn on December 7th, 2016 with the gracious he

This is an introduction to "We Refugees" from The Jewish Writings, a collection of Hannah Arendt's essays edited by Jerome Kohn. The introduction is presented by Assistant Director Samantha Hill for the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College hac.bard.edu/membership/vrg

This is an introduction to "Personal Responsibility Under Dictatorship" from Responsibility and Judgment, a collection of Hannah Arendt's essays edited by Jerome Kohn. The introduction is presented by Assistant Director Samantha Hill for the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College hac.bard.edu/membership/vrg

This is a discussion of “Action and the 'Pursuit of Happiness'" from Thinking Without a Banister, a new collection of Hannah Arendt's essays edited by Jerome Kohn.

This is a discussion of "The Great Tradition" from Thinking Without a Banister, a new collection of Hannah Arendt's essays edited by Jerome Kohn.

Discussion on Hannah Arendt's 1967 lecture, Labor, Work and Action

This talk was a part of the Hannah Arendt Center's 10th annual conference, "Crises of Democracy: Thinking in Dark Times". Melvin Rogers Yascha Mounk Moderator: Samantha Hill October 12th, 2017 - Bard College, NY